Friday, December 4, 2009

Retainer Types

Retainers are dental devices that are made to hold the teeth in place after the surgery or after the patient is done wearing braces. There are 3 types of retainers, Hawley, Essix and Bonded ( fixed retainer).

The most popular retainer would be the Hawley Retainer. It has a metal wire wrapped around the teeth to adjust it to the aligned position. The Hawley Retainer is most suited for post-surgery situations.

Coming in second place in the line of popularity would be the vaccum-formed or commonly known as Essix. The Essix retainer is clear and transparent since it's made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It looks similar to the Invisalign braces but the Invisalign braces is not to be used as a retainer.

The last type of retainer would be the fixed retainer. Unlike the 2 types of retainers described above, the Bonded retainer cannot by removed by the patient. Orthodontist prescribe this type of retainer only to patient that is victim to the braces' effects and cannot bite properly. Fixed retainers may lead to tartar build-up or gingivitis due to the difficulty to floss with these retainers in the way.

Okay, that's it for today! Thanks for reading this post, hope you enjoyed it! I'll definitely be adding more info soon!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Duration + Cost

Hey guys, how's it going?
Today I'll be talking about braces treatment time and cost. A person may wear a braces ranging from 6 months to 6 years, depending on his/her condition. But, after thorough research, we've discovered that the most common duration would be 2 years and 4 months, 28 months. Because this is such a long time, you should use novel planning and positioning techniques to shorten this duration.

Cost of braces varies with the country, regions, whether both arches ( up and down of teeth) are being treated and the duration of treatment.
Nevertheless, the price of braces is almost the same but yet different due to the currencies.
The price range is $3000-$5000. The currency depends on your country.

That is all about time and cost of braces. Thanks for reading.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Though braces is awesome and all, everything has a price to it (not just a few grand!).
When you've gotten your braces, make sure you brush properly and use the special toothbrush or else you might get plague.
Not only that, you might also get mouth sores.
But one thing's for sure, you'll get a little ounce right after you get the braces.
This is because you're mouth isn't familiar with the "alien" in your mouth.
But all in all, it'll turn out great. So, don't worry alright?
Thanks for reading, have a good day!

An Orthodontic Device

Retainers are something that is required after the braces treatment is complete.
This is not necessary as it depends on the patient's needs.
If the patient don't need it, then retainers won't be needed.
If a patient needs a retainer but don't wear it, his teeth will relapse, or return to normal. So as you can see, retainers are important too.
Basically a patient can wear the retainer at night but if the orthodontist should tell you to wear it at day too, then do so.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Types of Braces 2

Well here's the others i promised! Hope you like it!

These are the types of braces that i left out.

1. Invisalign braces are used to finalize the braces process by shifting the teeth into their final position. This type of braces is not meant for complex orthodontic cases.

2. There is also a concept under research about "Smart Braces" where the bracket contains a microchip that measures the force needed to align the teeth. This is to decrease braces duration and provide a safer and surer way of braces.

3. Lastly, there's a braces called A-braces. These types of braces are completely maneuverable by the patient. It means that the braces can be shifted and moved according to desire. These braces are often used as self-adjustable retainers.

Requirements To Get Braces

There are a few requirements for you to get braces

1. Crooked teeth.
2. About a few grands for the procedure.
3. Un-convincing stories about how getting braces doesn't hurt.
4. Preparation to have a shiny mouth for a couple of years.
5. 16 pairs of teeth.
6. Courage to lose 4 teeth for space for other teeth to get into place.

That's about the things that you should have ready before you get yourself braces. :)

Types of Braces

There are a few types of braces that people use nowadays.

1. Traditional braces are stainless steel and sometimes combined with nickel titanium are widely used.

2. There are also clear braces that blend in with the teeth color. These are made of ceramic or plastic materials that are partially transparent.

3. Gold-plated braces are for patients that are allergic to nickel found in traditional braces. Also, it is for patients that prefer more style other than the usual metallic color of the traditional braces.

4. Lingual braces are a type of braces that can't be seen while interacting. Note that they're called "Lingual" braces. This type of braces can be a bit uncomfortable for it disturbs the tongue movement.

Thank You for reading! I will add a few more types soon so don't miss it!

About Braces

Braces are also commonly known as orthodontic braces or dental braces.
These things are used to straighten the teeth and even it all together by correcting problems such as underbites, overbites, cross bite, open bites, crooked teeth and various other flaws of teeth and jaws, whether cosmetic or structural.
You would have to wear the braces for about a couple of years. In between, you would have to visit the orthodontist regularly.